Took this Sunday morning at the conclusion of the Big Bash Awards ceremony.  The Glee Club members of the Class of 1959 wanted to sing Alma Mater and invited all other Glee Clubbers in the room to join them. 

That’s a rising junior standing next to Sherm Franz ’59 and a member of the Class of 1989.

Separated by age and hairline – bonded together by everything that is Wabash.

The post-bash days are always tough.  We realize what we could have done better and, believe me, we get plenty of constructive criticism.  The nature of the Alumni Relations beast.  Especially here.

But the smiles from the participants are what makes the Bash special.  One lady came up to me at the end and said, with tears on her cheeks and Wabash-red eyes, "the Alma Mater got me".  That’s when we know it was successful.