Professor Bill Cook ’66 is in the process of leading a Wabash class on an immersion trip in Italy.  Bill knows Italy. Our young men are getting to see and experience things that just can’t be done on a routine "tourist" trip over there.  You can "join" the trip, in cyberspace, by following it on the trip’s Wabash blog.  

Here’s the good deal for you – Bill will lead a very similar trip for Wabash alumni, family, and friends this coming June.  We’re working the details right now but this trip should be after the Big Bash and before the summer gets going.  Again, Bill knows how to visit the "closed" and "not available" places, and from everything I have heard, can get the restaurants he likes "opened" for his group.  It should be a great trip.  Here’s the catch – there will be limited space.

So, if you’d like to be on the list for more details, send the Grunge an email at: