You’ll see a lot of coverage about Martin Luther King Day on the news and elsewhere on our web site.  I was only able to snap a couple of photos….

It occurred to me, though, in looking at this photo, how to think of Martin Luther King’s impact today.  Not when he was shot, not 10 years ago, but today.

Look at the signs. "End Racism now"…of course.  Still an issue and still a challenge.  "Pray for Peace"…interesting.  Not Racial Peace but Peace period.  Look at the faces.  Black and white.  Old and young.  All braving a cold, miserable day.

Martin Luther King gave us what we all want and need…HOPE.   So did JFK.  So did Bobby Kennedy. So did Ronald Reagan.  It wasn’t about the politics or the times but about our collective futures.  They were giants and when they said there’s a better tomorrow out there…we believed. 

Hope.  It’s isn’t about whose side you’re on, or who is "right", or what’s "best".  It’s about a better tomorrow than today.  It’s about a better world for my grandchildren.  Hope.