Somewhere on the drive to the new Indy airport, I made the transition from
“Grunge” to “GaBunge”…feels good.

Sitting in my son’s living room in C Springs…body still on Indy time – no one else up yet. Time to think.

It would be easy to have the “Mo-Zam-Beak” (fighter talk for “not the happiest”) about this fall. A boatload of the news, from worldwide to U.S. to Wabash, has not been good.


We are where we are and it is what it is. As much as we may not like this fall’s “history”, it’s in the books. We have the chance to make the next day’s history…and the one after that. I’m thankful for that.

I am thankful for a great family and for our freedom. I am thankful for 906 bright and talented young Wabash men. They’re world changers. They’ll “get-r-done”.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Photo: beginning of a new day at Wabash.