Laurent A. Kahl, Wabash Class of 1982, was featured in the World Trade Center Atlanta June 2007 Newsletter.

Kahl has been involved with the WTC for the past 7 years and has been in the international business (Export/Import) arena for over 25 years. Laurent is presently working for Habasit USA ( , a Swiss global leader and manufacturer of conveyor belting products and motor reducers/gears used in a plethora of industrial applications ( to name a few: food, textile, automotive, distribution centers, airports, paper, wood, and business machines). He is presently responsible for their international sales activities in the Latin American region ( comprised of 25 countries) and resides in Atlanta , Georgia.

Laurent has a B.A degree in Business/French from Wabash College in Crawfordsville, Indiana . He is fluent in 5 languages ( Spanish, French , Italian , Portuguese and English) and is passionate about global business issues and opportunities. (Information from press release)

Congrats Laurent!