
Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays…And Good Luck On Finals

December 16, 2013 at 7:15 AM.

I know…you’ve seen this one a few times already.  However, The Outback and Canon camera both stop at the corner of Wabash and Grant each time there’s a new snowfall and that means go get a photo.

So, as we close in on Christmas/the Holiday Season on this first day of finals, thoughts turn to: our guys and this opportunity to showcase their knowledge; their families, who are preparing for these young men to be home for the Holidays; our faculty and staff who have played a role in the education at “this good place”; alumni, family and friends everywhere, and; the young men headed this way…some day.

We all have something to be thankful for this season.  Wabash certainly is one of those things.  Little Giants says it all – Little college with Giant results.

Travel safe…smile more than usual…surprise someone with an unexpected gift…and think about the next young man who should be here.

It isn’t too soon.