
We’re Moving…

Thank Goodness for the Students Who Helped

Well, maybe not all of us.  But several members of the Advancement team have moved.

All of the major giving staff – Alison Kothe, David Troutman, Lu Hamilton, Steve Hoffman, and Alecia Franklin – have relocated into Kane House.  They’ll be collocated with the New Dean.  Deb Woods, our grant writer, and Marilyn Smith, our researcher (and Alumni Blog author), are also in Kane.  The rest of us will be housed in Hays Alumni Center with some reorganization planned.

If you’re looking for Jim Amidon and his crew in Communications and Marketing, they are now located in Hovey Cottage, right next to Caleb Mills House.  Jim is now a permanent member of the President’s staff and working directly for President White.  Communications and Marketing are both critical components of our collective work, as you know.