
Trippet Hall – Fall – Football – The Grunge Mind…

Trippet Hall

OK…I admit it.  Got a little lazy and walked all the way to the front porch of Hays Alumni Center. (About 25 feet…including the trip around the desk!)

However, the sun was hitting the porch of Trippet Hall just right and the leaves you see were fighting a losing battle to stay on the branches just a little longer.

Days like this are good for the soul.  The air is cool and dense (in my former life that meant shorter takeoff rolls and more thrust!) and there’s a faint smell of leaves burning and footballs flying in the air.

I have a rare vantage point and it really gets me thinking on days like today.  I get to see these young men in complete student mode.  I also see the yearbook page of a 1950s graduate (thanks to Beth Swift.)  The hair is different, the suits (suits!) are different, the professors are different, and the campus is different.  But in much the same way, they are taking it all in, just as their predecessors took it all in back then.  All too soon, the current crop will find out there’s a world out there that doesn’t have weekday sleep ins, fall breaks, and summers off.

But it is as it should be.  They are young with a future yet to unfold.

Back to work.