
The Way We Were – 2009


Beta House – June 6, 2014

I was making my way back to the office on Friday of the Big Bash and it looked like Commencement Week, 2009, all over again.  Five Betas from the Class of 2009 we taking it all in…  The agenda, it seems, was exactly what a reunion agenda should be: Take it all in.  Celebrate friendships with life-long friends.  Relive and remember.  If the fuel for such an event is TWR – that’s OK.

The smiles say it all, I think.


TKE House – June 7, 2014

Fast forward almost exactly 24 hours…

I rounded the corner to check on the TKE house setup for dinner. The same scene replayed by the guys from 2009.  Different five guys…different fraternity house…same exact experiences.

Wabash = Their Home.  For Life.