
Walt Henry – Pittsburgh’s Man of the Year

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Bob Smith ’66 (l) congratulates Walt Henry on his being named the Man of the Year

The Pittsburgh group, a talkative one, kept this one quiet all the way up to the end.

Walt Henry, maybe one of the most engaged non-alumni in the country, was surprised by the crowd when he was named the Man of the Year by fellow members of the Wabash family in Pittsburgh, PA.  Walt, son of the legendary Wabash faculty member Robert Henry, grew up at Wabash.  Never mind that Walt pursued his education elsewhere…Wabash has always remained near and dear to him.

Alumnus Bob Smith ’66 drew the honors on introducing the Man of the Year and he kept the crowd in suspense until the very last sentence.  The group’s immediate response was a well deserved standing ovation!

A surprise?  You bet!  Surprising?  Not in the least.  Walt and Cindy have long been involved and it was well past time for him to be honored.

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Wabash president Gregory Hess addresses the group.

President and Mrs. Gregory Hess visited Pittsburgh in an official capacity – their first trip to the city as the first family of Wabash.  President Hess provided several updates on the College and answered several questions.  He outlined portions of the fast paced, forward thinking “West Coast  offense” he’s quarterbacking at Wabash.

Many thank To Eriks Janelsin ’02 and Lyndall Huggler ’83 for putting a fun evening together and to Lyndall for serving as the evening’s emcee.

Top – Bob Smith congratulates Walt Henry
Middle-  President Gregory Hess talks to the group

For more photos from the evening, click here.