I am thrilled to express my deepest gratitude for the unwavering support I received from the Wabash brotherhood during my recent semester studying abroad. Despite being thousands of miles away from campus, I felt like the Wabash family was always by my side, ready to offer a helping hand whenever I needed it.

Jacob Maldonado and two other men stand in front of the Coliseum in Greece.

Thanks to the Given’s scholarship award, I was able to embark on some of the most unforgettable adventures of my life. I had the opportunity to delve deeper into my coursework on Roman architectural ruins throughout Europe and explore the history of Rome in real-time for five days. Walking through the streets of the ancient city, I visited some of the most iconic landmarks and uncovered hidden gems.

But the experience wouldn’t have been complete without my Wabash brothers. I was thrilled to reunite with four of my closest friends who were also studying abroad in Rome, Prague, and Barcelona. Together, we ventured inside the Coliseum, marveling at the grandeur of the arena and the historical events that had taken place there. We also wandered through the ancient Roman Forum, taking in the breathtaking views and reflecting on the rich history of the city.

I cannot express enough how grateful I am for the Wabash community that brought us all together. Your support and generosity made it possible for me to have an experience that I will cherish for the rest of my life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.