

It has been far TOO LONG since my last blog. Partially due to midterms and all my studying around that, and partially due to a lack of working computer once I came home for Spring Break. A quick tip to readers is to never put your laptop and charger in your friend’s bag because there is no room in yours. Because once they leave and live three hours away it takes a while to get it back.

Midterms were an interesting week of studying and testing, but it was altogether doable. Now it is Spring Break and it is time to sit back and relax… and keep studying. This break is also going to be involved with lots of summer job applications, snow plowing, and reading. Lots and lots of reading.

Day 1 of Glee Club Tour

Wrapping up Day 1 of Spring Glee Club Tour and so far so good. Got up at 6:00 and travelled to a nearby catholic church where we performed 3 pieces during mass and then afterwords performed about 5 or 6.

Felt pretty good being received that well at that church. After the church we headed to River Oaks Mall. Let’s just say it was, how do you say it, hmmm a ratchet mall. Pretty fun walking into a clothing store with exorbitantly lavish clothes that I would not buy if I was Bill Gates. I don’t think anyone would buy a silk maroon paisley vest with matching coat and paisley pants and if you would, more power to ya.

Tomorrow is also suppose to be a great day, maybe going to head to the indoor pool in this hotel.
Check in tomorrow.

Travel, Trays and Bums

Aren’t I adorable? This is me on my way to Minneapolis

A few thing I have learned during this trip to Oregon: Minneapolis is really big, and Delta has really bad tray tables.

Anyway, I began this day at Wabash. I woke up somewhat early and, seeing as I had to wait a little bit for my ride, busied myself by watching YouTube and Bum Reviews (CHAAANGE?! YA GOT CHANGE?!). Maybe Wabash has a shuttle to the airport that I am just not aware of, and if it doesn’t then it should get one. I say this because I am an impatient man when it comes to travel; I like to arrive at the gate early (and by early I mean one or two hours early), so I know that I will not be late and will get on the plane in time. I’m not saying that I missed a flight, I just like a little bit of security.

Anyway, the first flight I was on was a small flight to Minneapolis. It wasn’t actually that bad, although they didn’t have enough room for one of my bags so they had to store it for the flight. Meh, it only had clothes, a few toiletries, and a base for one of my Warhammer models in it, so I was okay with that. The flight was nice, although I didn’t get a chance to nap, and within an hour and a half we were on the ground at Minneapolis.

Which brings me to my first point: Minneapolis is huge.

Our plane stopped off at Gate C-something or other. My next flight was over at Gate F9, on the other side of the airport more or less. As I was not handicapped or old, and thus unqualified to ride on one of their little carts (you know an airport is big when you need cars to get from one side to another) so I had to do this the old-fashioned way: Walk.

Did I mention that Minneapolis is big? It must have taken me twenty minutes to get to F9 (and probably would have taken longer if they did not have any moving walkways), but I made it to the gate on time. And that brought up another problem: boredom. I entertained myself by writing (got a pretty good Avatar: The Last Airbender fic going on) and watching more Bum Reviews. I didn’t stay active for very long because airport connections are sketchy and I wanted to be ready for when I had to get on the plane.

Whenever that happened, of course.

Delta is apparently run by neat freaks; the plane was already running late, and one of the stewardesses insisted on holding off the boarding process because the First Class cabin did not look clean enough. Fair enough, but did you really have to hold up the boarding process just for that? Maybe someone vomited or died and they had to clean up what was left (ew). But we did get on the plane eventually, and I actually wrote this blog in flight.

I would have posted the blog in flight, but… Well, when Delta says they have in-flight Wi-Fi, they never said that it worked. Eh, I shouldn’t complain; I’m in a metal cigar 10,000+ feet in the air, I should be amazed right now that this is happening. Guess it’s just part of being a jaded American consumer type who takes everything for granted.

Now then, on to my second point: Delta’s tray tables suck. Seriously, those things are tiny, and my laptop is very large (It’s huge! Which means it has huge guts! RIP AND TEAR!!!… okay, I’ll stop with the random references). I mean, what if I was going to ask for a cup of tea? Where would I put it? I can’t put it on my laptop because that would be dangerous, and as much as I love tea I enjoy not having to spend more money on a new laptop. Also, unlike the tray tables on other airlines, they don’t slide out towards you. Thus I’m typing this with my laptop partially closed, and that’s annoying since I can’t see the screen as good as I’d like to (First World Problems much?). I like having a bit of room to work with, but alas you can’t get everything you want. If you did, that wouldn’t be any good because you’d get lazy and unproductive (I worked for all the Warhammer minis I’ve bought, and I’m proud of that). So I guess I’ll put up with a small work space until I get home, and then I’ll have lots of room to work with.

Ah, home. Home is good, because I get to see my Mom, my Dad, and my girlfriend (hugs will be had). I get to sleep in my own bed without the fear of rolling over in my sleep and falling to my arm-breakage. I’ll be able to eat at my favorite pizza place and finally get a chance to see The LEGO Movie, and I won’t have to worry about school work or papers that need to be done. Maybe I’ll get more of my Avatar story done (if you’re interested, go to and search for Kyoshi Rising by iowaforever. I personally think it’s pretty good, but I’ll let you decide for yourselves).

So, that’s been my travels so far. I walked across Minneapolis, survived on a diet of burgers and other airport food, dealt with poor tray tables and bad Wi-Fi, and didn’t get much in the way of tea (the only cup I’ve had today was some chamomile I had before leaving). But I am going home for break, and that’s what matters: peace and relaxation with those I love.

This is Robert R. Black saying *pulls out Styrofoam begging cup* CHAAANGE? YA GOT CHANGE?! AW COME ON YOU GUYS, JUST GIVE ME SOME CHANGE!

I’ll use it to send a letter to Delta concerning their tray tables.

Let Spring Break Begin

I was one of the lucky few who had literally no tests this week. Well besides a paper that was turned in monday and another that I am finishing for tomorrow. Yeah thats lucky, and I enjoy and respect that. A bunch of upperclassmen I know had even two tests today and one guy had three on top of a paper. They have been studying all week for that and I am sure they did great on those exams.

Tomorrow sparks the beginning of my first Glee Club Spring Tour. Going to Lansing and Springfield, Illinios and St. Louis to sing at churches, high schools, theatres, most likely a McDonalds or two. From what I have heard from returning members, tours are really fun and a great break from school.

I need to go do my laundry for the trip, I will most likely be blogging once a day during the trip so stay connected.

Spring Break slump

I’ve begun to notice that there tends to be a slump during the last few days of finals or midterms. I should expect this, as we the students no longer have to suffer under the pressures of a lot of assignments and tests that need to be done by the end of the week (as far as I know, I don’t exactly have any finals tomorrow… guess I’ll just have to wait and see). And I also imagine that quite a few of us are getting ready to go home for spring break and meet up with our other friends and family. As I have said numerous times before, breaks are a good thing; they allow us opportunities to unwind and relax from the stresses of Wabash, especially the stresses of finals and midterms.

I will admit, I have been a bit stressed lately. I did not get into the play I talked about in my last blog post, and the general stress of tests and assignments has worn me down a bit. I’m surviving primarily on tea, snack food, Avatar: The Last Airbender fanfiction and sheer willpower right now. I would like nothing better than to get some sleep, but since I have the upper level of a bunk bed that’s not really the best option right now. I need some time to unwind and relax, and going home for a week will do just that, and then I can come back to Wabash refreshed and ready to finish off the school year.

I think maybe a nice slice of pizza and some tea would be really good right now… I can get the tea, but I’ll have to wait until Saturday or possibly Monday before I can get pizza… maybe, I might be overthinking things again, as I am wont to do.

Anyway, breaks are still awesome, although I am feeling a bit burned out. I’ll stay in touch with you guys over break.

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