
Travel Woes… Again

RobertBy the time you read this, I will be home in Oregon. Had I posted the blog I was originally writing, it would have been a very bad note to end my Wabash blogging experience on (unless I decide to do this freelance).

The day started off fine. I put the last of my stuff in storage, watched a couple episodes of Fullmetal Alchemist (which is pretty cool, but not as cool as Avatar) and then got to the airport nice and early. I helped myself to a burger at Champp’s (not fine dining, but not a bad place for lunch) and then made my way to the gate.

That’s when things started to go wrong. Our flight was delayed by about an hour, and as I had a connection to make out of Denver that is a very bad thing for me. So I started panicking, and dreading the possibility of spending a night in Denver (I’ve got relatives there, but it still feels like I’ve fallen short), and I think I might have gone through the five stages of grief while waiting… or maybe I’m just exaggerating due to lack of sleep. Whatever.

But then, a light in the darkness appeared; the people at the front desk said that the flight to Portland would be held so people making a connection could get on. With that weight lifted off my shoulders, I was a much more cheery and personable person, and chatted up a few of the other passengers who were going through the same plight as me (some with less success).

This also marks the first time I have ever seen someone really flip out at the people at the desk. So, this couple was going to be on the flight to Denver, but due to the delays they decided to reroute their plans. There was a snafu and they would have gotten separated, and by the time they tried to get it changed the airline (Frontier, by the way) had closed everything down. The guy did not take this very well, and after some shouting he and his wife stormed off. It was both amusing and terrifying at the same time… kind of like a car crash.

Anyway, I got onto the flight to Denver, and to my further luck The LEGO Movie was one of the options for in-flight entertainment. So…

Everything is Awesome! /Everything is cool when you’re part of the team! / Everything is Awesome! / When you’re living your dreams!

During the movie, our plane happened to pass over a thunderstorm. I consider myself a religious person, and seeing a thunderstorm in general is enough to put the fear of God in you. Seeing it from above is a whole different level of awe-inspiring, and I could not help but feel that if God wanted, He could have struck us down with ease.

But God is on our side, and we can’t lose because we are very pretty.

And I think He was on my side. When we landed, I had less than five or so minutes to run down to my next plane. When I got there I was out of breath, my heart was beating really fast, and I couldn’t feel my legs. To top it off, I got stuck next to a 13 month old baby, although by the time I wrote this he seemed very peaceful. Go him.

And my nemesis the tray table strikes again. Frontier does have tray tables that slide out, but they don’t slide out enough and the actual tray is small (I can’t tell if it’s Delta small, but it’s still pretty darn small). My computer has no traction, so as I write this I have to work to make sure that it doesn’t slide around too much (no small task as we hit a bad batch of turbulence when I wrote this).

I shouldn’t complain about tray tables or turbulence or delays (or even babies for that matter). I’m going home, and I’ll be able to sleep in my own bed for the next three months. I’ve still got some work to do in general, but for now I don’t have to worry about the pressures of Wabash. I have to say that I look forward to having less pressure placed upon me. I need it, and I think all the students and faculty at Wabash need it.

So for real this time, this is my last blog post. Thank you for listening to my rants, and I thank Wabash for the opportunity to express these rants.