
Time to Budget the IMA Spring Semester by Friday

Yeah, just found out last Friday that I was appointed as the treasurer of the Independent Men’s Association and I just found out Monday that our semester budget is due by Friday afternoon. Not mad because it is what I signed up for. Time to plan out events such as an Alumni Golf Outing, a social for prospective students during Honor Scholar Weekend and the biannual IMA Faculty Dinner and budget it for the Audit and Finance Committee.

During my Econ class last semester we had weekly labs on excel and had to know our way around it very well. Now when I use it outside of class like for the IMA or I actually enjoy it and have a couple of tricks up my sleeve to finish a task quicker.

Today I also found out that I got an A- in my private piano class for last semester and that I will be performing in two different recitals this semester. One of them will be with my RA Nick Schenkel where I will be playing piano and he will be singing. It is a Robert Schumann piece, Im wunderschönen Monat Mai or “In The Wonderful Month of May.” Speaking about performances tomorrow the dean’s daughter will be performing tomorow in the fine arts. She works on broadway and is going to perform a bunch of songs from the shows she has been part of.

My New Friends

I forgot to mention this last week, but I made a new friend.

This friend is very helpful. This friend will get me pointed in the right direction, so that I may be able to get out of college with a running start and get closer to success (whatever success means, but that’s a different topic).

This friend is Wabash Career Services.

Career Services is a free service that Wabash has available. Here, staff and older students give you help on your resume, give you mock interviews to brush up on your skills, and get you in contact with internship opportunities. This is great, because you are getting a chance to get out in the world and learn from people who know how the business world works, and that is vital if you want to get ahead of other college graduates that are nowhere near as qualified as you are *cough* Depauw *cough*. So for any incoming Freshmen that are reading this blog, I would recommend you go to Career Services. Let them help you. You might say “Eh, I just started college; I’ll figure out everything later”, well I say that’s a dumb reason to not do something and you should feel bad for thinking it. Career Services helps you get on track, so you can plan out your majors and your career opportunities.

Also, go on the right day and you get tea. I would say coffee, but tea is better. Tea makes you relax, and it keeps you warm. You can’t be sick of tea, because that would be like being sick of breathing, and since everyone likes breathing everyone should drink tea. Stressed? Have some tea, you’ll relax. Angry? Same thing. Bored? Have tea (I call this the “Iroh Method”: whatever problem you have goes away when you sit in a comfy chair and drink tea).

Oh right, I was talking about Career Services.


It’s awesome, and you should go there.

And drink tea.

I’ll talk about Dork Club next week.

Second Semester

A week of classes has come and passed, the snow continues to remain on the ground, and the men of FIJI have all moved into their new rooms for 2014. My first taste of EQ was a great satisfaction with Professor Nelson, who by the way had a baby this past Wednesday! Congratulations! Roman Art and Archaeology is more fun than expected, but I expected it to be fun with Professor Hartnett teaching it. Professor Salisbury was, of course, a hoot to be back in one of her lectures! My favorite, Latin, will take some reviewing since I’ve dropped the ball with Winter Break, but I can’t wait to start getting back into my Latin studies!


Indoor Track

This week has been filled with a plethora of track. Last Saturday Wabash hosted a number of schools on campus as well as some unattached competitors. Last night Wabash Track and Field traveled to Rose Hulman in Terre Haute, Indiana to compete, and today Wabash hosted a small high school meet here on campus. At the moment I an unable to run due to a training injury, but it was still fun to get to see my teammates and high schoolers compete. Last week I was able to work on pole vault and see the sport for the first time up close. It was great! Being a distance runner and social running media addict I rarely look into other track events. Needless to say watching athletes bend a pole and jump over sixteen feet in the air was pretty cool. Also, when a pole snapped in front of your face it was pretty cool to watch. That was pretty cool to watch, I found a new sport outside of running and triathlon I want to follow now because of that. The high school meet today was pretty interesting as well, some decent times from high school athletes un the 1600 meters and 3200 meters. Wabash will be hosting the Indiana Runner Distance Showcase on Saturday, February 1st

Vice President, Finance and Treasurer

Sat in on a great Econ Talk yesterday. The freakin Vice President, Finance and Treasurer of General Motors. Mr. James Davlin Class of 1985. It does not get better than that. A distinguished alumn serving testament to the greatness of Wabash Alumni.

He spoke about his time at Proctor and Gamble, Eli Lilly, John Deere, and now at GM. It was quite amazing seeing how successful he has been in all of his employments and how far he has come. All of the econ talks I have attended make me think more and more about what I want to do career wise. There are so many options and these talks help highlight the ones that have worked for others.

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