
Phi Gamma Delta Formal

It’s been a busy weekend, as I traveled to IU with some other runners from the cross country team to participate in a small race in Bloomington. But was only the start of the weekend. This weekend was the one of the annual Phi Gamma Delta Formals, and it took place at the Conrad Hotel in Indianapolis!

For those of you that don’t know how nice the Conrad is well we had a TV in our bathroom… which gave me the opportunity to watch SpongeBob while whizzing. A beautiful image for all to have (you’re welcome). A jar of fun size Snickers that cost five dollars, Pringles were ten dollars, and the shower and bath were not the same unit. Wow, fancy! Also, some of us got to stay on the eighteenth floor overlooking much of the city and the capital building.

The night consisted of a fine dinner, dancing, and passing out in the room once the formal itself was over for being so tired. Austin Jarrett, my pledge father, did a awesome job planning it all out over the past couple months! I got to be accompanied by one of my closest friends, Colleen Weatherford, who attends Butler and is from Greencastle. A classy lady and truly pure-hearted person, she was the best date I’ve ever had to a dance.The night itself was fun, the dancing was to say the least different and wild, and  the food was great. It was also nice that some simple college kids got to spend the evening and night at a five star hotel at the end of it all! Great weekend to be a pledge of Phi Gamma Delta!



OH MY GOSH IT IS HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (And tomorrow Christmas shows will be on TV already) A common theme among a number of the fraternities on campus is to have their pledges dress up and attend classes in their respective costumes on this holiday. Now while I do not know the traditions of other houses on this day, I can tell you of some of the events of today here at Phi Gamma Delta.

Your pledge father tends to be the one who will choose your outfit for Halloween. As I am a runner it probably isn’t too hard to figure out what my costume was… the Flash.  With the task of having to run to all of my classes till 4, which is cross country time so I’ll still have to continue to run. All well:) My class’s outfits ranged from Marvel heroes, Power Rangers, Troll dolls, to Disney princesses. Yep, Disney princesses… Go Wabash! A nicely decorated dinning hall for the Halloween spirit coupled with costumes galore has made this into one interesting day of festivities  and fun.

The weekend approaches, Saturday will be parents weekend, the Redpack is traveling to Pennsylvania to compete for the NCAC title, and studying is always present. ALWAYS PRESENT. COUNTDOWN TO THANKSGIVING IS STARTING.


Cross Country Munchies

So it’s been a busy couple of weeks and I’ve been letting this busy week unfold before I did a blog. This hasn’t been quite that stressful of a week, but it has been one that has slowly but surely grinded at me and tired me out some. Of course I figured out part of the reason for that after I logged all of my weekly miles this evening.


Colin Rinne of Westfield H.S. leads a section of the 2013 Carmel Semistate

This week, in particular Saturday and Sunday I would have to say have been the best two days I’ve had all semester while at Wabash. But the story must start from Friday. Friday was suppose to be a 5 mile day that turned into a little more than 12 miles do to the intense hill workout we did off campus. On that cool down back to campus a Mr. Jared Burris’15 gave me the 411 on heading to Carmel this Saturday to watch Semistate, and stop by his family’s home with a Dalton Boyer ’14. A weekend of fun for cross country geeks! In all honesty I am so tired at the moment I don’t remember anything that happened between the time practice ended and 9am Saturday when we left for the NAP (IndiaNAPolis). It was a hard day!

Upon arriving in the bustling town of Carmel, a place that “Jimmy” Boyer would love greatly to live in one day, we found ourselves out in the cold wind of the Carmel Semistate. We cheered on some people we knew, prospective student-athletes, and just any runner as we runners do. Now Colleen Weatherford (a girl’s name on a Wabash blog say whaaaaaat?!) one of my best of friends I’ve known for three years is currently a freshman runner for Butler University, and she stopped by to see her old Semistate and me (let’s face it she came more to see me than the race).

After the race we all took a little trip to Runner’s Forum in Carmel so I could exchange a pair of Newton Energy running shoes for the Kinvara 4 as my trainer of choice for this coming indoor track season. Models and brands of shoes not too many people have any clue I’m talking about because “cross country is a silly sport.” Following that side stop we drove to Butler so Colleen could grab some running attire, then to Jared’s home five minutes away. After an easy run to recover from the day before, and some showers to get rid of that runner smell, the next several hours would make if not the week or month then the semester. Saturday was the first day I had met Jared’s family, the first day Colleen have even met Boyer or Jared, and not only was Jared’s family home, but so were his relatives that live in Ohio!

That afternoon would involve live entertainment from Jared’s nephew Colton, who is three, enjoys redish-yellow apples, Monster Inc., and The Iron Giant! A lasagna made by Mr. Burris for all of us, a fresh grown salad, and later that night a chocolate cake with molten pudding inside! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. The afternoon was filled with laughter, a viewing of The Iron Giant, and delicious, delicious food. As it neared later in the day it was time to call the party to an end and mount up for Wabash again. We said our goodbyes and thanks, parted ways with Colleen, and headed back to the ‘Bash. You see that’s one of the cooler things about Wabash, not everything that makes this place great happens on campus. I had a great Saturday with my two teammates and friends, experienced homegrown hospitality, and then went on to do my long run at Purdue again with a few other teammates on a cool morning.

Wabash is small, but boy does it allow you to reach far!



Fall Break, Hey I’m Late

I haven’t had a blog up recently, sorry about that. But now here I am writing a blog on our recent Fall Break! For break I ended up going home to Logansport were Fall had seemed to hit. I spent my time running, meeting with my high school team, and sitting back and relaxing!

Instead of schoolwork (minus some reading) I was able to almost finish the last season of Battlestar Galatica, sit and watch World War Z and Oblivion with my family, and finish the weekend with 42. Relax and kick back when you get the chance! TV isn’t something you really have time for at Wabash, and I won’t say I’m much of a TV connoisseur, but I caught up this past week. When you get a break here use it!


Fall Break Update

I wasn’t really able to get a blog out last week because of midterms approaching and the Phi Gamma Delta Alumni Pig Dinner this weekend. That all meant I had to get as much homework and studying done as possible before Saturday if I didn’t want to be behind in my studies. SO here is my blog for those faithful followers (i.e. mom and grandparents).

Fall break is coming up here soon, and it will be a much needed break and trip back home for a few days. Fall is definitely coming as well if it wasn’t already here. The temperature continues to drop, it is dark by 8, and cross country season is nearing its end. Many of my pledge brothers are heading home for break, or going home with another pledge brother since they live so far away from Indiana. I plan on going home to see my family in Logansport, visit my alma mater’s cross country team, and get ahead on homework for when I come back next Monday.

Much of the cross country team is heading to Wisconsin over break for the biggest race of the year outside of regionals/nationals. Good luck to the Redpack in the coming days!