
Wabash Always Fights

 Football won again, 66-0 against Hiram and soccer beat Wooster 4-2 in the seasons closing game.

It was pretty windy during the game and it felt colder than it actually was. Buddy and I went back to the ‘Dale for a sweater during half time and we met an alum. Mr.Tim Campbell, Class of ’86 and father of a sophomore at Fji. Mr.Cambell had lived in the ‘Dale his four years here and remembered Dean Raters as a student with him. He told us that one time a buddy of his had painted himself all green, like The Hulk, and started throwing pieces of furniture from the third floor window. Different times indeed. Then he went on to talk about the tv room in the basement. He went on to say that while he was a student MTV had just come out. “It was a revolution,” he went on to say that every time he walked past the tv room there was always the same guy watching MTV. Viddy was his nick name, or Vid for short.

This dude was just awesome. He had stories about putting guys in the dumbwaiter and riding in it (How I wish I could freakin do that, I’d be scaring people left and right) and filling up the basketball court behind Martindale with water during parties.

Just a huge contrast of what the definition of fun was, and what it is now. I do hope that my experience the rest of these four years will be as great and memorable as his were. So far I can actually say that they are.

Time for some late night McDonalds run with some of the 2nd Floor Dirt Dalers.


“Bach and Beyond” last night

End of a long week and like a fellow Glee Club member and blogger Christopher Dabbs put it, “Wabash is contained in a time space bubble.”

If this is true, I would not be surprised. Maybe it’s a way of lengthening the week due to Halloween parties starting on Thursday. Who knows, but it was weekend that has been yearned for very much.

On another note, I am again and again amazed by the Music Department’s Visiting Artist Series. These musicians are some of the most talented ones I have seen. Yesterday was a duo with piano and flute playing solely Baroque era pieces. So the songs were by Johann Sebastian Bach, the obvious trills and tremolos that distinguish his music. Reading through their short biographies in the programs and I was once again blown away. The pianist that was no more than 15 feet from me had been part of the Van Cliburn Competition. Saying he is a professional would just be an understatement. Haven’t been mesmerized by a performance in a long time and definitely not for free.

That was the best part, didn’t cost me a dime. As a college student, you learn to love dimes. Appreciating before you get to college might have been a smart idea. I’d have a lot of change for laundry or some junk food.

Gotta get to this football game against Hiram. WAF!!!


OH MY GOSH IT IS HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (And tomorrow Christmas shows will be on TV already) A common theme among a number of the fraternities on campus is to have their pledges dress up and attend classes in their respective costumes on this holiday. Now while I do not know the traditions of other houses on this day, I can tell you of some of the events of today here at Phi Gamma Delta.

Your pledge father tends to be the one who will choose your outfit for Halloween. As I am a runner it probably isn’t too hard to figure out what my costume was… the Flash.  With the task of having to run to all of my classes till 4, which is cross country time so I’ll still have to continue to run. All well:) My class’s outfits ranged from Marvel heroes, Power Rangers, Troll dolls, to Disney princesses. Yep, Disney princesses… Go Wabash! A nicely decorated dinning hall for the Halloween spirit coupled with costumes galore has made this into one interesting day of festivities  and fun.

The weekend approaches, Saturday will be parents weekend, the Redpack is traveling to Pennsylvania to compete for the NCAC title, and studying is always present. ALWAYS PRESENT. COUNTDOWN TO THANKSGIVING IS STARTING.


The B & B Show

If you want to know what it stands for, ask either Pat or I. 

Well Pat and I finished our first broadcast last night and it was AWESOME. I am still excited writing about it now. Sitting behind those studio mics that you have seen on TV and babbling into them was one of the greatest experiences I’ve had while trying something new. I know we both were a bit nervous going into it, but our excitement simply cast away any sense of its presence.Pat calling his parents about the show.


We were on air playing a shared interest of music consisting of everything from Neil Young to Ray Charles. This show was just a great way to relieve some homework stress that video games and music weren’t able to help with. Literally an output for stress where we input our creativity.

Speaking of creativity, we came up with the idea to invite President Hess to our show and have him kick off our WNDY guest star line up. It’s not official yet, but if he agrees we are looking to advertise and inform the campus about it. It is nothing more than the greatest idea. Students will  have a reason to tune into WNDY, creating an audience for many of the other shows. Students will also be able to learn about what President Hess has in store for Wabash. But as most college students are, we are looking to keep this informal all the while professional so students learn about his personal interest, hobbies, crazy stories from his college career, and much more. It obviously doesn’t stop there because we are looking to have professors and even students on air with us so we can get to know different parts of the campus. Athletes, Sphinx Club, Student Senate, IFC or IMA are all fair game along with the rest of the student body. A variety of professors and staff is on our checklist as well.


This radio show is just going to be a gold mine for other students to tune into when they want to sit back, relax and just get a great laugh. If you missed our show yesterday tune in next Wednesday for our next show or tune in anytime of the week past 7 in the evening and listen to one of the other shows. The topics and music vary from show to show, but they are all interesting and enjoyable. 

Hope you can tune into 91.3 FM next Wednesday from 7-8 to listen to some great music.

Thanks for reading yall.


This is one of those weeks where I seem more tired than usual. That is to be expected; sometimes we just keep going and we don’t really realize how hard we’re pushing ourselves until we just crash… and Dork Club was canceled this week due to scheduling mishaps, so there goes my chance to turn my brain off.

I can’t emphasize how important it is to get a chance to relax; I think last week was probably the most energetic I’ve been in a long time, and I did notice that my classwork improved a little with rest. But now… well, I’ve hit the metaphorical wall. I really just want to go and crash on my bed for a few hours, but I can’t do that because I have responsibilities and stuff to deal with… meh. I suppose I could keep my eyes closed long enough that it’ll all just go away… oh wait, that would mean sleeping, and I can’t do that. Well, I can, just… never mind.

Anyway, I suppose we do need days where we just burn ourselves out, because then we have a chance to build ourselves into something a bit more resilient. That being said, I wouldn’t want to spend all my time getting broken down and then rebuilt, metaphorically or physically (really, there’s sick people out there. That stuff is gross)… Well, at least I still have my limbs in one piece (and this post is getting pretty morbid all of a sudden… that’s a problem. Maybe it’s the fatigue).

B-Movie cheese at its finest

And as I said earlier, Dork Club was cancelled. Now I have no way to blow off steam until next week, and even longer if Dork Club is cancelled next week as well… I’ve always got Avatar: The Last Airbender to keep me entertained if needed (Yes, I am shamelessly promoting that series, but you all should watch it; it’s awesome)… and I wanted to watch Plan 9 From Outer Space sometime soon (which is awesome in its own way, and by that I mean cheesy B-movie awesome). As long as I can keep up with my work and keep my wits about me, then I can get through this year.

I could probably use a hug too. I like hugs.

Well, the week’s almost over and my parents are coming for a visit on Friday, so that will help.

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