
Blurring weeks and Stimulation

RobertSometimes it seems that the days kind of blur together. Overused cliches aside, the last few weeks have passed by rather fast. I find April going by and I still feel unprepared for what’s to come in the final weeks of this semester (but I’m not worrying; I’ll get it done, and look on the bright side of life). Dork club is winding down, but we’ve still got a few more events coming up (I’ll be sue to talk about what happens when it happens).

And the weather is being stupid.

I shouldn’t complain, since I’ve put up with crummy weather in the past when I was back in Oregon, but seriously? We have a nice weekend in the 70s and today was in the 40s. Not fun. Fortunately for me it was my off-day so I got to stay inside. Yay me.

Although, I think I’ve said this before but it’s really important to find something to do to occupy your time when you’re not going to class. I do have my other writing to keep me occupied (Shameless Self Promotion time: your homework is to go to and read Kyoshi Rising and then tell other people about what an amazing writer I am… or not, I won’t pressure you into anything), but inspiration tends to be sporadic with most everything, including these blogs here. So in between inspiration, I’ve got to entertain myself in other ways. Which is where I think I need to improve; I’m not a sports guy so while I do have the option to go out and maybe throw a frisbee or other such object that can be thrown, I’m not exceptionally good at it and would probably slow more people down than I would help. I’m not in the play, so I can’t go over motions or stage directions (it’s the silent one, remember?) and… well, it was cold today, I was inside.

But still, I encourage you to look for something other than Youtube videos to pass the time between homework assignments (no matter how good those mashups of Attack on Titan and Pacific Rim are). Go on walks, write, play some kind of amusing little games (but intelligent ones, otherwise you just turn into some kind of couch potato type), watch some good shows (*cough*Avatar*cough*), just do something… I know watching Youtube videos is kind of doing something, but do something stimulating.

On a different note, there was a lunar eclipse last night. I was asleep, but I guess it was pretty cool.

Too bad a fish had to be punched for it to happen.

'tis a crazy general punching the physical embodiment of the moon in the face, nothing more

‘Tis a crazy general punching the physical embodiment of the moon in the face, nothing more