
Get a Job, Stay in contact, And Make Some Cash

Not sure how your parents deal with spending money or cash while you are in high school, but like it changed for me it might for you as well. (By the way, go listen to some Ray Charles, Lonely Avenue is a great pick.) In high school, since I was living at home, I wouldn’t say I was spoiled but I could just ask if I wanted something and I’d get it, not expensive stuff. Video games inlcuding my PS3 and my iPad I bought with internship money, yeah I know wish I hadn’t.

Now that I am in college, there is no “Can we go to Chili’s?” Well, there is but you are gonna have to pay. No longer are your parents there to pick up the tab so it is most likely that you won’t be going out as much or at all. If you want to go out at least once or twice a month with your buddies while in school, the time to start saving up is now and start looking for cheap deals for food. For example, if you like wings don’t go to Buffalo Wild Wings go to Applebee’s after 10 any day of the week for half price appetizers (Click it come on, look at the menu). For less than 10 bucks with a drink too and in my opinion they are better than Buffalo Wild Wings.

Even McDonalds will start running your bank account dry going at least every friday like my buddies and I do. All I am saying is manage your money and make sure you have a job for when you are on break and at home. Believe me you are gooing to want to have extra cash in your pocket. When you are not on break it is important that you stay in contact with your supervisor or with whom ever you are working with. 200 bucks or 60 bucks will take you a long way with buying your self some food. Though I have been home for about 2 weeks now and already have a job with my brother at his Ford Diesel shop I still haven’t gone so make sure you go to work as well.

Most importantly, try to save as much money as you can when wanting to buy junk you don’t need like a video game or unnecessary luxuries. You are going to be or are a college student and still have the rest of your life to throw money away.

Thanks for reading yall.