

Don’t mistake the misspelling of “caroling” above, I did it just to just draw attention. Today the pledges and a few brothers of Phi Gamma Delta spent their afternoon going around Crawfordsville to nursing homes to carol Christmas carols. Very caroling. Lolz. Don’t take life serious readers, you’ll never get out alive. For those of you who don’t know where I ripped that quote off from go watch Can’t Hardly Wait (1999). It is a classic movie and highly recommended for seniors entering the rest of their lives.

This was the first time I had gone caroling, and it was a pretty fun experience to go an see some of the smiles we brought to the elderly. It is the Christmas season and it is time to be jolly! Hanukkah just recently ended but nevertheless Happy Hanukkah to my two Jewish pledge brothers and all those of Judaism! To my Catholic readers happy Advent season! To my readers who are not religious Happy Winter Solstice/Lots-Of-Gifts-On-The-25th!