
My Trip Back to Indiana

So, I’m back in Indiana. Not at Wabash, not yet, but that can wait until tomorrow. For now, I am staying with my sister near Indianapolis.

But that’s not what I want to talk about. I am going to talk about my Thanksgiving, and my journey home.

So, Thanksgiving; It was great. My cousin, her husband, and their baby daughter came for a visit, and it was nice to get a chance to talk to them and tell them about my experiences at Wabash and my trip home. After that, we sat down and had dinner (the usual arrangements for Thanksgiving- turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, rolls, stuffing, green beans, cranberry sauce) and talked some more about what had been going on in our lives (also, it’s rather amusing to see babies eat). Once dinner was finished, I went out and picked up my girlfriend and brought her back to my house for pie and apple crisp. Yup. Then we just sat around for a little bit and talked some more.

I really miss this. Yeah, I do get a chance to talk with my friends at Wabash at mealtimes, but I miss sitting around post-meal, talking with family, and just relaxing (I have to do homework after meals). I didn’t have to worry about anything, except waking up in time to catch my flight the next day, and not really worrying felt really good.

The next day, I woke up around 7 (actually earlier, because my cousin and her family were staying the night, and the baby realized she wasn’t at home and proceeded to have a freak out) and finished packing my things. I said my goodbyes and my dad drove me to the airport (after a quick stop at the donut shop- I have yet to find a donut shop around Crawfordsville). Because I had printed out my boarding pass earlier, I was able to make it to the gate in no time at all. Of course, then I had to wait around for a little longer for the plane to arrive, but I managed to make it through with what I had.

First flight was not very eventful; I got another aisle seat (so I could get off the plane faster) and this time they actually passed out headphones for their TV sets. So I decided to kill time and watch Pacific Rim (Robots punching giant aliens in the face- what’s not to love?). We landed in Denver a bit ahead of schedule, and I got to the next gate with some time to kill. I helped myself to a snack of an orange, half a cookie, and some chocolate covered raisins, and then got on the next plane. Originally I was seated next to some foreign girl (I think she was German… or Dutch), although she ended up moving once we reached cruising altitude so the guy next to her could have his fiance sit next to him. Being as I had some free time on my hands, I got to work reading the Aeneid and actually managed to finish what needed to be done for Freshman Tutorial.

Then I fell asleep.

I woke up about 40 minutes before landing (by a baby, of all things- second time that day), and seeing as I had little else to do I waited patiently until we landed. After that, I gathered my things and met up with my sister, and we went out for burgers and shakes.

And that was my trip back to Indiana. I’ll talk a bit more about what happened in between my flights to and from Oregon in a later blog, but probably after I’ve gotten a chance to unwind and get back into the habit of things at Wabash. Oh, and there’s a bit Dork Club thing tomorrow, so you’ll hear from me on that.