
Home Sweet Wabash

And after a ride home with the family, a stop at Texas Roadhouse, and finally carrying all my washed clothing up three flights of stairs I am back at Wabash. Unlike the other two bloggers I didn’t have to practically cross a continent, so I’m probably less tired from the trip than they are. Of course, I think that pork sandwich is starting to give me the sleepy sleeps.

Break was nice and a well needed one, but now I’m back at Wabash! Time to see my friends again, study, and run with the team! With only three weeks left of class, including finals in that, Christmas Break will be here soon! So while I’m glad to be back, I’m equally glad for Christmas to be so close by. Advent starts today as the Church enters a new liturgical year as well this Sunday, and what is Christmas without an Advent wreath?! SO that means Advent wreaths, Christmas sweaters, and hot chocolate for the coming weeks without being judged (well maybe being judged a little). Looking forward very much so to this first Christmas at Wabash, and time spent with my fraternity and cross country team.

So as the Christmas season and new liturgical year begins Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and seasonal greetings!