
Hey Little Giants!

My name is Alejandro Reyna and I am entering as a Glee Club member, Jazz band bassist and an independent at Martindale Hall. The weather here is nice and cool compared to Houston’s humid filled heat. It is very different but I am loving every minute of it. I am looking forward to this hectic year and all the enriching traditions that run deep at Wabash.  


Reyna ’17

Though I am still feeling the aftermath of last week’s hot dog from a convenience store on I-65 that did not stop me from making new friends during orientation. I guess it is just out of curiosity or the urge to make friends that talking about how different the trees in Indiana are to those back home is so interesting. I am not from around Indiana or around India like my new roommate, but back home the trees don’t grow as green as they do in Crawfordsville.

The most asked questions while meeting new people were by far, “So where are you from” and “How did you hear about Wabash?” Coming from a school in Houston, Texas where everyone I knew was Hispanic, having to say who I am and where I come from over and over was getting under my skin. I did not see why anyone could be interested where I was from while simultaneously I was in awe asking others those same questions. Now that I am sitting in my dorm room (Dirty Dale) writing about it, its clear that Im not the only one who has thought about how close we have gotten in just one week. 

Your typical ‘hipster’ or ‘jock’ cannot be pointed out at Wabash because the culture of the school and of the students is clustering into one. College in its self can’t compare to the frivolity of high school, but as I keep hearing many say, “It’s Wabash and we are Serious.” Wabash traditions are something you have to experience for yourself to fully understand the difference between a liberal arts college and Wabash College.

