During the summer, I was fortunate to engage in captivating research in the Sorensen and Novak lab, where we worked on the LOCKR research project. The research, which had already been in progress before my arrival at the college, offered the unique advantage of having knowledgeable peers who readily assisted me in acclimating to my inaugural experience in Biochemistry research. The LOCKR protein, an acronym for Latching, Orthogonal Cage/Key Protein, is a dynamic and bioactive switch. Its immense potential lies in its ability to influence gene expression, redirect cellular traffic, target specific protein degradation, and interact with natural proteins intricately. This fascinating avenue of exploration has opened doors to cutting- edge possibilities and holds the promise of groundbreaking advancements in the scientific realm. Working under Prof. Novak’s guidance, my lab partner and I conducted various procedures, anticipating specific results based on our hypotheses. At the end of every week, we presented our findings to the larger group, which allowed me to improve my communication skills and boost my confidence when addressing a group. Beyond our lab duties, we actively participated in various bonding activities that nurtured and strengthened our relationships within the lab community.

Following my research on campus, I had the incredible opportunity to participate in a medical shadowing program at the Ospedale di Cona, a prestigious teaching hospital in Ferrara, Italy. This enriching experience was made possible by the generous support of the Dill Fund. Throughout the program, I shadowed doctors in two departments that piqued my interest: Dermatology and General Surgery. During my time at the hospital, I actively engaged with doctors and residents, delving into discussions about Italy’s healthcare system. Witnessing surgical procedures and observing the doctors’ interactions with patients provided invaluable insights into the medical field and the art of medical prognosis. Beyond the hospital experience, this experience allowed me to explore the captivating ‘floating city’ of Venice and savor the delectable flavors of Italy. I indulged in authentic Italian dishes like “Piadina Romagnola,” relished the world-renowned Italian pizzas, and enjoyed the delicious varieties of pasta. Overall, this remarkable adventure not only broadened my medical knowledge but also enriched my cultural understanding, leaving me with unforgettable memories, a profound appreciation for the diverse wonders of Italy, and an enduring passion for the medical realm.