I went into this summer with the desire to develop a wide range of professional skills heading into my senior year, and it is safe to say that I got what I wished for. Over the course of nine weeks, I developed skills in marketing, sales, graphic design, accounting, and time management. The people I worked under demonstrated the kind of work ethic and professionalism that is required for a successful company, and I am grateful to have worked with such an upstanding group. They pushed didn’t take advantage of this kind of opportunity sooner. Thank you to Erik Ness, Saul Gallegos, and Adalid Cruz, 3 Wabash alumni who gave me this incredible opportunity. I was told early on that once I completed my internship and returned home, “my world would seem to be moving a lot slower” and I have found that to be very true! My internship kept me very busy and forced me to continuously critically think, keeping me very on my toes heading into my senior year.

I head back to Wabash as a much more confident, self-dependent individual. I learned a lot of skills being surrounded by such hard workers, and I feel as if I have a leg up on people my age getting ready to head into any professional field. I would highly recommend this internship to any Wabash person who is willing to work hard and push themselves to be their best day in and day out.