Andrew Gonczarow ’22–This Summer, I have had the opportunity to work with the Admissions and Enrollment Offices at Wabash College as a Communications and Marketing Intern. I have had the pleasure of presenting campus tours to prospective students. I have really enjoyed showingthese prospective students the tradition, culture, and beauty of the college. Aside from giving tours, I have been working on projects that have increased my communication and marketing skills as well.

With this internship I have had the pleasure of creating a webpage for Wabash College to use to market out many unique experiences and opportunities that the college has to offer. In creating this, I have had to research for statistics as well as retrieve quotes from current students who have had the opportunities or experiences that are being marketed out. There are a lot of things Wabash can talk about for marketing to prospective students, it is just easier when you can get students who can tell you about their experience.

I have made strides in communication by working on projects without face to face interaction. Most of the communicating in the internship is in Microsoft Teams or Zoom call, which made me advance in my technological skills. I am now confident in my abilities to communicate using these applications. With my webpage project, I have had to communicate to numerous students around campus: email, text message, and even a LinkedIn direct message. The process of getting these quotes is not something I force others to do, so I have been able to improve my leadership skills my convincing people to help out.

I have been able to enhance my leadership, communication, and marketing skills this Summer and I am very thankful for Career Services for providing me this opportunity. The skills

I have acquired and enhanced will be vital to my success in the workforce, as the world will be more technological and people will need to rely on communication more than ever