August Workshop 2016

The 2016 Teaching and Learning August Workshop, “Inclusive Pedagogy,” will be held on Thursday, August 18th, from 8:30am-1pm at the Crawfordsville Country Club. A light breakfast will be available at 8:30am, and our first session will start at 9am. The event will end with lunch.

This year’s workshop will help faculty consider a variety of inclusive teaching strategies and methodologies. We will explore ways to recognize our students’ varied backgrounds and expertise as we challenge them to learn and grow through our curriculum as Wabash men and citizens of the world.

Dr. Annie Soisson will facilitate the workshop and deliver brief opening remarks. Annie is the Associate Director of the Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning at Tufts University. She was raised in southwestern Pennsylvania and has lived, studied and worked in Malawi, France, and England. She holds graduate degrees in education from the Harvard Graduate School of Education and Boston University.

Please RSVP at by Friday, August 12th.

We hope to see you there!

The Teaching & Learning Committee: Michael Abbott, Sara Drury, Tom Pearson, Neil Schmitzer-Torbert, Heidi Walsh