In this Wabash On My Mind podcast, Betty and Bob Allen ’57 recall their first year of marriage in Mud Hollow, the leftover Quonset hut-style structures built during World War II that served as married student and faculty housing in the 1950s.

The Allens’ first son, Jay ’79, was born in Mud Hollow, and the residential community forged there left a lasting impression on the Allens.

During the podcast, Betty H’57 and Bob ’57 take turns reflecting on DePauw (Betty’s alma mater), Wabash (Bob’s), their first year as a married couple in Mud Hollow (ask them about “rocking the roof”), their life together as Bob rose through the ranks at AT&T, and their children.

Betty recalls an essay she’d been assigned when she was a girl; she had been asked to write down her life goals.

“I’ve saved it, and I re-read it just recently,” she says. “I wrote, ‘I want to be a well-educated mother and wife.’”

“She’s been a perfect mother,” Bob says, describing with gratitude the loving home she had created for him and for their children.