By Walter Campbell

Today as a class we traveled to the museum of the history of Communist Poland. This was a smaller exhibit than any of the ones that we have been on so far, but it was still full of excitement!

When we arrived we were led upstairs to meet our tour guide Anna, whose heritage was Lithuanian but her grandmother lived in Poland during the occupation of Communist Russia. She led us through many different exhibits, and she explained to us how different life was for the people.

She used me as her example of what a General secretary would have been at the time. It was up to me to determine whether or not people could purchase possessions such as homes, cars, or even things like televisions. This approval system was usually bargained for with supplying goods that the General Secretary wanted, and was very different from how other communist governments were set up and I found that interesting.

I really enjoyed our time in the museum and learned a lot and I am very thankful for our guide Anna as her experiences and expertise provided helpful insight throughout the experience.