2018 MMA Teaching Award

2018 – McLain-McTurnan-Arnold Excellence in Teaching Award Winner:
Brian Tucker

Each year, the Dean of the College selects one member of the faculty to receive the McLain-McTurnan-Arnold Excellence in Teaching Award. The award honors the memories of Reid H. McLain ’27, Clair McTurnan ’10, and Kent Arnold ’29, and has been given annually to a member of the faculty who has distinguished him or herself by innovative and engaging teaching since 1965. A list of past winners of the award is available here.

Citation by Dean Scott Feller: Dr. Brian Tucker is praised by students for phenomenal classroom teaching, particularly in drawing out the very best in his students as they wrestle with a difficult text. But he is also known for taking students around the world to immerse them in the people, places, and culture that bring those difficult texts to life.

Those of us who teach chemistry or economics, or any number of subjects that young men identify with based on their high school experience, can count on students showing up to campus, ready to fill our classrooms. Some of us are given students by virtue of the subject we teach, others have to earn it. I have come to greatly admire my colleagues who draw students into their discipline with engaging course work, creative programs, and excellent teaching.

Dr. Tucker is the poster child for attracting students to his discipline, providing them an unrivaled educational experience, and setting them up for post-graduate success.