
Eileen Bowen – What a Resource!

Eileen Bowen helps out

Eileen Bowen helps out

By day, Eileen Bowen has four hats to wear…no…make that five.  She serves as the Administrative Assistant for departments in the Fine Arts Center as well as running the Wabash Fine Arts ticket office.

When the Glee Club goes on tour, she accompanies Richard, her husband, and the guys.  She serves as the official Glee Club camera person as well.

I saw a new piece to the “accompanies” part on the latest tour.  While warming up at the Vista Ridge High School, Richard needed an “E flat”, I believe.  So he pressed Eileen into service.  She provided an “E flat” and the tune went without a hitch.

I don’t know an “E flat” from a bass guitar, but Richard…and Eileen…certainly do.  They are a good team…in many ways.