
Yahweh I Know You Are Near

That’s the words from a Catholic hymn I know.  Man, is that ever true.

Wabash’s Yahweh – Hall Peebles – has had that same impact on many, many Wallies.  Check out the Wabash Facebook page – It isn’t just the guys who had every class Hall offered.  It’s the students who had one, or none, who were impacted greatly by Hall as well.

I have seen a lot of people suffer with health challenges…but I have never seen anyone, anyone, face those nose-to-nose and carry on like Hall did.  There were times when it would take him several minutes to walk into Trippet Hall to get a paper – a walk of a few feet.  But to him, it was living.  “Hello Tom”, he would typically say…the same hello you’d get from a passing friend walking by.  Undaunted.

He was comfortable in his own skin…and good skin it was!

Can you just imagine the Heavenly Scarlet Inn now?