Howard W. Hewitt – We are near the completion of a successful migration to a new software platform for all Wabash College blogs.

The Wabash College Pioneer Chapel

The blogs are all back up today and readers will notice the wider format and cleaner look to the blog pages. Recent posts are easier to find in the right hand column.

For our Wally Bloggers on campus the new software – WordPress, for those into such things – allows more options in posting, dating, the way we present photos, and other options we didn’t have previously.

For example, notice the photo I’ve inserted here. There is descriptive information beneath the photo instead of buried at the bottom of the page. That is a small thing, but a convenience for readers.

We still are having a few technical issues that Director of Technology Brad Weaver, Monica Brainard and the good people in Tech Services are working out. But we really like the new look and think regular blog readers will enjoy the wider format.