Okay, so this is NOT a photo of the Big Bash, but I love it for its summer time feel. This is a photo of Ralph’s Mother a campus wide event held in the spring of 1968. To understand a bit more about this incredible event, here are a couple of articles from The Bachelor.

And it is clear that Ralph’s Mother was a hit on campus.

Here is a letter to the Editor from a student expressing his delight with the event.

So what does all of this have to do with Big Bash 2013? Among the classes celebrating at this year’s reunion is the 45th year class who were seniors in the spring of 1968.

I hope that you have enjoyed this look at Ralph’s Mother, it looks like it was quite an event! I love the Big Bash and the stories that I hear from the Wabash men who return. I love the questions we field here in the Archives, but most of all I love the sense of time stopped as the guys gather and laugh, all young again.

Beth Swift
Wabash College