W. Norwood Brigance Slides

This shot of the Wabash Marching Band was taken during the Georgetown football game of 1939 by W. Norwood Brigance.  Brigance was one of those people who took pictures all around campus. As the archivist,  I am so glad that he did and that his dozens of slides made it to the Archives many years later. One particularly lovely thing about his slide collection is that they are all in color. So often I see the history of Wabash in black in white photos, it is a real treat to see these vibrant, full color images.  The slides are all Kodachrome slides which are very stable and particularly known for holding their color over the decades.  Here is another great example of the vividness of the Brigance color slides we hold.

This image is of Center Hall and Old South on a sunny spring morning in 1940. The bricks, the grass and even the magnolias have all held their true colors. What a delight to see this lovely image 68 years later.

Beth Swift


Wabash College