
Wabash-Week 1

 Week one of Wabash is over. It’s rather quiet out on campus, but I guess that’s not a bad thing; we all need a chance to rest and get ready for next week, otherwise we’d probably end up overstretching ourselves and collapsing during the middle of Chapel Talk.

And that’s terrible.

No really, it is; Chapel Talk is a very big and important tradition at Wabash. Everyone should go to Chapel Talk. Not only is it a part of the Wabash experience, you also get a chance to learn from other Alums about their experiences at Wabash, and how it shaped them into who they are today. Oh, and you get to practice the fight song. Never forget the fight song.

Have a link in case you forgot the fight song, because you shouldn’t have:

Listen to that a few dozen times, and then listen to it again until that’s all you can think of.

Chapel Talks and the fight song are part of what makes Wabash… Wabash. They are two very important and beloved traditions that help us keep in touch with the college’s past, and it helps us build connections that will be invaluable in the future (who knows; your first employer might be a Wabash Man).

Oh, and everyone should get involved in something. Sports, glee club, Dork Club (campus gaming club), I don’t care, just get involved. It helps you meet up with others that share your interests, and it helps with the connecting that I mentioned earlier.