That’s President Thad Seymour H’78, Wabash’s 11th President, in a photo I "borrowed" from NPR. President Seymour was featured in a photo album and story by NPR on the Independent Transportation Network (ITN).  The ITN offers low cost rides to senior citizens who prefer not to drive or are no longer able. 

The group started in Maine and reached Florida about three years ago.  President Seymour, no surprise to me, is on the local board of directors but also serves as a driver.  "…act responsibly, lead effectively, and live humanely" come to mind.

Thad, a young 81, is extremely active but gave up the double shifts!  He is a leader and a doer.  Polly, his lovely bride, is also extremely active volunteering in the local community.

It isn’t the least bit surpriseing to anyone who knows the Seymours that they are very busy serving the members of their community.

Thad and Polly Seymour – Some Little Giants.

Many thanks to all who alerted me to the NPR piece.